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original swiss

herb candies

  • using the precious 20-herb recipe

  • support the body's immune system with vitamin C

  • are tasty and gentle for the throat and pharynx


Pfefferminz Kräuter
Schlüsselblume Kräuter
Lindenblüte Kräuter
Halsbonbon Schwyzer Kräuterli


our precious 20-herb recipe

The Schwyzer Kräuterli recipe was developed by the herbalist Dr. med. Aufdermaur in 1922. The manufacturing of the lozenges using the precious 20-herb recipe follows old traditions and genuine Swiss quality.

Salbei Kräuter
Spitzwegerich Kräuter
Kamille Kräuter
Eukalyptus Kräuter
Schafgarbe Kräuter
Malve Kräuter

+ with vitamin C

support the body's immune system

The beneficial lozenges soothe roughness in the throat, reduce the irritation of coughing and support the voice with a velvety consistency.

With the added vitamin C, your herbal hero also supports your immune system. Experience the beneficial effects of the original 20-herb formula and trust our decades of experience.

Königskerze Kräuter
Isländisch-Moos Kräuter
Fenchel Kräuter
Kornblume Kräuter

now in the recyclable bag

the new bag material can be fully recycled

Suessholz Kräuter
Brombeerblätter Kräuter
Thymian Kräuter
Ringelblume_2 Kräuter
Melisse Kräuter
anis Kräuter
Holunder Kräuter
Swiss Made

made in switzerland

about us

In 1922 Dr med. Aufdermaur discovers the unique, soothing effect of natural herbs. His tablets help to treat his patients’ sore throats, coughs and hoarseness. This is the foundation of the family-run company DOMACO. Since 1922 we value the secret of traditional family recipes.

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